Ke Eng Tokelo Ya Ho Sebetsa

Naha ya Aforika Borwa e hlwaile kgwedi ena ya Hlakubele ele ya ho keteka ditokelo tsa batho. Sehopotso sena se tliswa ke diketsahlo tsa bo 1959-1960 moo mokgatlo wa PAC o ile wa kena letsholong la boipelaetso le kgahlanong le ditokelo tsa botho le melawana ya dipasa. Ho bolelwa ha matsholo ana a boipelaetso e ne ele a kgotso mane motseng wa Sharpville, Gauteng le motseng wa Langa ho la Motse Kapa empa sepolesa sa ka nako eo sa mmuso wa kgethollo se ile sa thunya baipelaetsi ka sehloho, ke ka hoo ho ketekwang kgweding ena ya Hlakubele mona Aforika Borwa.

Molaotheo wa Naha ya Aforika Borwa o nkuwa jwaloka o tswelletseng pele lefatsheng ka bophara fela baahi ba naha ena bantse ba phela ka tlasa maemo a seng hantle. Tlhokeho ya mosebetsi ke bothata bo boholo mona Aforika Borwa ebile le dipalopalo ho tswa ho ba STATSSA di supa hore ke dimilione tse 14 tsa bath oba sa sebetseng haholo basadi le batjha.

Kgaolo ya bobedi ya molaotheo e bua ka molao wa ditokelo e hlalosa hore molao wa ditokelo ke motheo wa temokrasi Aforika Borwa, e sireletsa ditokelo tsa batho bohle ka naheng le ho tiisa ditokelo tsa demokrasi , ho boloka serithi,tekatekano le tokoloho, empa ka hare ho molao wa ditokelo ha hona tokelo ya ho sebetsa.

Maqakabetsi a tlhokeho ea mesebetsi a metse ka metso sebopehong sa moruo oa Afrika Boroa oo moruo o seng oa liindasteri o itšetlehileng ka thomello ea thepa e tala le ho tsoa kantle ho naha ea thepa ea boleng bo holimo. Ka maemo a phahameng hakana a ho se lekane a bakilweng ke kgatello ya naha ya batho ba batsho tlasa bokoloniale le kgethollo, Aforika Borwa ha e a ka ya hlola e kgona ho hlahisa mmaraka o moholo wa ka hare o ka tshehetsang ntshetsopele ya diindaseteri tse matla tsa lehae tse kgonang ho fana ka ditlhoko tsa baahi ba rona. Ho amohuoa mobu le ho theoa ha tsamaiso ea mesebetsi ea bafalli ho boletse hore ke batho ba fokolang haholo Afrika Boroa ba phelang ka mobu ‘me ba ameha temong e le ho khotsofatsa litlhoko tsa bona tsa lijo kapa ho hlahisetsa ‘maraka oa lehae.

Ho tloha ka 1994 ho isa ho 2002 mesebetsi e fetang milione e le ‘ngoe e ile ea lahleheloa ke mosebetsi mme tlhokeho ea mesebetsi e nyolohetse ho feta 40%. Tahlehelo e kholo ea mesebetsi e tsamaellana le ho hlahisoa ha leano la lisebelisoa, kaha phokotso ea tšebeliso ea chelete ea mmuso, tokoloho ea khoebo le khoebo ea poraefete e sitisitse moruo le ho baka tahlehelo e eketsehileng ea mesebetsi. Mesebetsi e meng e limilione tse 1,2 e ile ea lahleha lipakeng tsa Mphalane 2008 le Hlakubele 2010 ka lebaka la ho qaleha ha mathata a lichelete lefatšeng ka bophara, a fetotsoeng ho putlama ho hoholo ha ba bangata ba neng ba tlositsoe mobung ba ka fumana mesebetsi makaleng a mantlha a moruo. moruo.

Naha ya Afrika Borwa hore e kgutlise serithi sa baahi ba yona ke hore e kenye tokelo ya ho sebetsa ebe molaotheong. Mmuso o nke bohato ba fana ka menyetla ya mesebetsi hobane thlokeho ya mesebetsi ke karolo ya ntwa e tswelang pele ya tokoloho le tekatekano Africa Boroa

Agro-Ekologie: ‘N Wêreldwye Beweging Om Weer Beheer Oor Ons Voedsel Te Kry En Te Behou.

Regoor die wêreld is daar miljoene boere, kleinboere, ambagsvissers en ander mense wat rondom agro-ekologie mobiliseer en organiseer as ‘n manier om agri-besigheidsbeheer en oorname van ons voedselstelsel teë te staan. Wie voedse produseer, hoe voedsel geproduseer, verwerk en versprei en verkoop/verkry word, is belangrike politieke vrae en terreine van stryd in die 21ste eeu. Agro-ekologie poog om behoeftiges,boere en klein produsente te help om “buite die domeine en perke wat deur kapitaal opgelê word” te beweeg. Boerdery En Landbou As ‘N Gesig Van Stryd Vir Sosio-Ekonomiese Geregtigheid 

Landbou is een van die sleutelgebiede waar kapitalisme probeer om wins te maksimeer. Gevolglik word ons voedselstelsels wêreldwyd toenemend geindustrialiseer en beheer deur agri-besigheid multinasionale korporasies

MNC’s), wat voedsel in ‘n markkommoditeit verander wat miljoene nie kan bekostig nie. Dit skend mense se inherente reg op voedsel en reg op lewe, wat groter armoede en huishoudelike voedselonsekerheid en ongekende vlakke van honger wêreldwyd skep,

Industriële landbou vergiftig ook ons ​​liggame, ons omgewings en poog om kleinboere verbruikers te maak van en afhanklik van insette (bv. saad, kunsmis, plaagdoders) wat deur agri-besigheid verskaf word, dikwels met die ondersteuning van subsidies van ons regerings. Die gebruik van hierdie insette (wat op fossielbrandstowwe staatmaak) en grootskaalse vernietiging van woude regoor die wêreld is ook een van die hoofbydraers tot klimaatsverandering.

Landbou in ontwikkelende lande in die globale Suide (Afrika, Asië, die Karibiese Eilande en Latyns-Amerika) word spesifiek geteiken. Behalwe om nasionale landbouproduksie te teiken, teiken MNK’e en sommige befondsers ook kleinboere en plaas hulle onder druk om te “moderniseer”. Hulle bevorder plaaslike projekte gebaseer op die Groen Revolusie, afhanklik van die aankoop van ‘verbeterde sade’, GMO’s, en industriële kunsmis en plaagdoders. Dit vernietig biodiversiteit en vergiftig ons grond.

Sodra boere hierdie insette begin gebruik, is dit baie moeilik om hierdie prosesse om te keer en afhanklikheid te stop. Hierdie MNK-projekte bevorder ook mono-verbouing, aanvaarding van nuwe tegnologieë, kontrakboerdery, voedsel en ander gewasse vir uitvoere en selfs van voedsel en ander gewasse vir agro-brandstowwe.

Sommige programme bevorder ook ‘organiese mono-gewas boerdery’ en ‘klimaat slim landbou’. Sulke programme vernietig nie net tradisionele boerdery deur die gebruik van duur ‘organiese insette’ te bevorder nie, dikwels vervaardig deur dieselfde landbou-MNC’s wat die landbouchemikalieë produseer wat ons verwerp, maar dit vernietig ook biodiversiteit en produkte  dikwels vir uitvoer.

Dit alles skep verwoesting in landelike gebiede. Vroue word dikwels die ergste geraak, aangesien hulle tradisioneel verantwoordelik is vir die produksie van voedsel en vir die verskaffing van sorg in hul huishoudings.

Agro-ekologie poog om die talle skade wat deur industriële landbou aangerig word, teë te werk. Landbou-ekologie bevorder volhoubare boerderypraktyke, die produksie van voedsel wat gesondheid bevorder en gevarieerde diëte wat in pas is met ons verskillende kulture en poog om groter sosiale en omgewingsgeregtigheid in die wêreld te verseker.

Landbou-ekologie moedig die gebruik van tradisionele boerderypraktyke/-metodes aan wat deur ons voorvaders ontwikkel is en wat die mensdom vir duisende jare onderhou het. Hierdie praktyke verskil wyd oor die wêreld, maar hulle probeer almal om in harmonie met die natuur en die omliggende

omgewings te werk, gebaseer op tradisionele wetenskaplike kennis. Ons kan sê dat al hierdie metodes agro-ekologies is. Dit is ons kollektiewe erfenis wat ontwikkel en opgebou is deur ‘n dialoog tussen verskillende boere.

Benewens tradisionele boerderymetodes, inkorporeer landbou-ekologie ook nuwe kontemporêre wetenskaplike kennis en innovasies, solank dit die belange en behoeftes van kleinboer-voedselprodusente en die armes in die algemeen dien.

Landbou-ekologiese algemene boerderybeginsels sluit in: die herwinning van biomassa; die behoud van gesonde gronde; herwinning, voortplanting van tradisionele sade; biodiversiteit; geïntegreerde saai- en veeboerdery; toenemende verbruik van plaaslik geproduseerde voedsel; die vermindering van waterverliese – alle praktyke wat kan bydra tot die vermindering van aardverwarming en die bevordering van voedselsoewereiniteit.

Geen ‘vaste resepte’: Landbou-ekologie skryf nie ‘vaste resepte’ voor nie – dit is terreinspesifiek. Daarom is boer-tot-boer-uitruilings die sleutel tot landbou-ekologie, sodat boere by mekaar kan leer en met “beste” praktyke kan eksperimenteer

Terwyl ons die waarde erken van verskillende tradisionele boerderypraktyke, wat dikwels met verskillende name aangewys word (organiese boerdery, natuurlike boerdery, volhoubare landbou, ens.), is daar ‘n paar politieke beginsels en waardes wat ons kan sê lei en onderskei landbou-ekologie: die oproep vir grond en landbouhervorming; nee vir die private eienaarskap van ons natuurlike hulpbronne, maar eerder kollektiewe beheer van ons gemeenskappe (grond, water, fonteine, mere en see, visserye, woude en minerale); die reg van boere om hul eie saad te spaar/ gebruik/vermeerder/ruil/ verkoop; geen uitbuiting van arbeid nie; maniere soek om die lewensbestaan ​​en lewenstandaarde van kleinboereprodusente te verbeter enverseker dat hulle outonome produsente bly. Landbou-ekologie bevorder ook hierdie beginsels rakende stedelike boerdery.

Historiese relevansie van landbou-ekologie vir ons, in die SAOG-streek
Histories, onder kolonialisme, is baie Afrika-boere en -mense regoor die vasteland van hul grond ontneem en gedwing om kontantgewasse eerder as voedsel te verbou. Behalwe om miljoene mense te verarm, het hierdie onteiening die tradisionele Afrika-boerdery ondermyn en op sommige plekke selfs vernietig. In Suid-Afrika spesifiek bly die nalatenskap van koloniale en apartheidsgrondonteiening ons by. In ander SAOG-lande, waar ‘n mate van grondrestitusie ná onafhanklikheid verkry is, gaan hierdie winste verlore namate grond- en watergrype die afgelope 30-40 jaar toegeneem het.

FEMINISTIESE PRAKTYKE EN AGRO-EKOLOGIEAs ‘n beweging wat die selforganisasie van vroue bevorder en veg om die wêreld en die lewens van vroue te verander, sluit feministiese praktyke in agro-ekologie ook stryd teen sleutelmanifestasies van kapitalisme in: patriargie, rassisme, geweld, onderdrukking en uitbuiting van beide mense se arbeid en die natuur as geheel. Feministe dring daarop aan dat, terwyl ons natuurlike hulpbronne nodig het en daarop staatmaak vir ons oorlewing en lewensbestaan, ons hul grense moet erken en respekteer en die natuur moet bewaar.

Feministe bevraagteken en verwerp die kapitalistiese opvatting van die ekonomie wat slegs waarde sien in aktiwiteite wat in die kapitalistiese mark uitgevoer word – dws. gebaseer op loonarbeid en die koop en verkoop van goedere en dienste vir wins, maar erken nie die waarde van “onsigbare” werk wat meestal deur vroue uitgevoer word nie. Byvoorbeeld, die werk wat deur plattelandse vroue daagliks gedoen word – die vervaardiging en voorbereiding van voedsel vir die huishouding, die koestering en versorging van die gesin om die volgende generasie boere en werkers te verseker – word nooit erken nie.

Terwyl feministe die behoefte aan geldelike inkomste aanhang, soek feministiese landbou-ekoloë verskillende maniere om die ekonomie te organiseer: om ‘n balans tussen selfverbruik en verkope te bewerkstellig en om kortsluitings aan te moedig (waardeur produsente so na as moontlik aan verbruikers is); ‘n solidariteitsekonomie wat wederkerigheid, selfbestuur inkorporeer en waardeer en die seksuele verdeling van arbeid oorkom. Vir vroue om nuwe ekonomiese ruimtes te betree, moet hulle egter die reg hê en toegang tot openbare dienste soos vervoer, gesondheid en onderwys hê.

Agroecology: A Worldwide Movement To Regain And Maintain Control Of Our Food.

All over the world, there are millions of farmers, peasants, artisanal fishers, and other people mobilising and organising around agroecology as a way of opposing agri-business control and takeover of our food system. Who produces food, how food is produced, processed and distributed and sold/ acquired are key political questions and sites of struggle in the 21st Century. Agroecology seeks to help peasants, farmers and small producers to move “beyond the domains and limits imposed by capital”.

Agriculture is one of the key areas where capitalism is trying to maximise profits. As a result, our food systems worldwide are being increasingly industrialised and controlled by agri-business multinational corporations (MNCs), turning food into a market commodity that millions cannot afford. This violates people’s inherent right to food and right to life, creating greater poverty and household food insecurity and unprecedented levels of hunger worldwide,

Industrial agriculture is also poisoning our bodies, our environments and attempting to make smallholder farmers consumers of and dependent on inputs (e.g. seeds, fertilisers, pesticides) supplied by agri-business often with the support of subsidies from our governments. The use of these inputs (which rely on fossil fuels) and large-scale destruction of forests across the world is also one of the main contributors to climate change.

Agriculture in developing countries in the global South (Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America) is specifically targeted. Besides targeting national agriculture production, MNCs and some funders also target smallholder farmers and put them under pressure to “modernise”.   They promote local projects based on the Green Revolution, dependent on the purchase of ‘improved seeds’, GMOs, and industrial fertilisers and pesticides. These destroy biodiversity and poison our soils. Once farmers start using these inputs it is very difficult to reverse these processes and stop dependency. These MNCs projects also promote mono-cropping, adoption of new technologies, contract farming, food and other crops for exports and even of food and other crops for agro-fuels. Some programmes also promote ‘organic mono-crop farming’ and ‘climate smart agriculture’. Not only do such programmes destroy traditional farming by promoting the use of expensive ‘organic inputs’, often produced by the same agri-MNCs that produce the agro-chemicals we reject, but they also destroy biodiversity and often produce for export.

All this is creating havoc in rural areas. Women are often the most badly affected as they are, traditionally, responsible for the production of food and for providing care in their households.

Agroecology seeks to counteract the many damages being done by industrial agriculture. Agroecology promotes sustainable farming practices, the production of food that promote health and varied diets that are in tune with our different cultures and seeks to ensure greater social and environmental justice in the world.

Agroecology encourages the use of traditional farming practices/ methods developed by our ancestors and that have sustained humanity for thousands of years.  These practices vary widely across the world but they all try to work in harmony with nature and the surrounding environments, based on traditional scientific knowledge. We can say that all these methods are agroecological. This is our collective heritage developed and accumulated through a dialogue between different farmers.

Besides traditional farming methods, agroecology also incorporates new contemporary scientific knowledge and innovations, as long as they serve the interests and needs of smallholder food producers and the impoverished in general.

Agroecological general farming principles include: the recycling of biomass; the preservation of healthy soils; recovering, propagating traditional seeds; biodiversity; integrated crop and livestock farming; increasing consumption of locally produced food; minimising water losses – all practices that can contribute towards reducing global warming and promote food sovereignty.

No ‘fixed recipes’: Agroecology does not prescribe ‘fixed recipes’– it is site specific. Therefore, farmer-to-farmer exchanges are key to agroecology, so that farmers can learn from each other and experiment with “best” practices.

Some political principle/ values in agroecology
While acknowledging the value of different traditional farming practices, which are often designated by different names (organic farming, natural farming, sustainable agriculture, etc), there are some political principles and values that we can say guide and distinguish agroecology: the call for land and agrarian reform; no to the private ownership of our natural resources but rather collective control of our commons (land, water, springs, lakes and seas, fisheries, forests and minerals); the right of farmers to save/ use/ multiply/ exchange/ sell their own seeds; no exploitation of labour; seeking ways to improve the livelihoods and standards of living of smallholder producers and ensure that they remain autonomous producers. Agroecology also promotes these principles regarding urban farming.

Historical relevance of agroecology for us, in the SADC region and Africa: Historically, under colonialism, many African farmers and people throughout the continent were dispossessed of their land and forced to grow cash crops rather than food. Besides impoverishing millions of people, this dispossession undermined and, in some places, even destroyed traditional African farming. In South Africa in specific, the legacy of colonial and apartheid land dispossession remain with us. In other SADC countries, where some land degree of land restitution was gained after independence, these gains are being lost as land and water grabs have been increasing for the last 30-40 years.

As a movement that promotes the self-organisation of women and fights to change the world and the lives of women, feminist practices in agroecology also include struggles against key manifestations of capitalism: patriarchy, racism, violence, oppression and exploitation of both peoples’ labour and nature as a whole. Feminists insist that while we need and rely on natural resources for our survival and livelihoods we must acknowledge and respect their limits and preserve nature.

Feminists question and reject the capitalist conception of the economy that only sees value in activities carried out in the capitalist market – ie. based on wage labour and buying and selling goods and services for profit but does not recognise the value of “invisible” work that is mostly carried out by women. For example, the work done by rural women on a daily basis – producing and preparing food for the household, nurturing and taking care of the family to ensure the next generation of farmers and workers – is never recognised.

While feminists assert the need for monetary income, feminist agroecologists seek different ways of organising the economy: to achieve a balance between self-consumption and sales and encouraging short circuits (whereby producers are as close as possible to consumers); a solidarity economy that incorporates and values reciprocity, self-management and overcomes the sexual division of labour. However, for women to enter new economic spaces they must have the right and access public services such as transport, health and education.



I-Agroecology izama ukulungisa umonakalo omninzi obangelwe ngamashishini ezolimo. I-Agroecology ikhuthaza ulimo oluzinzileyo, ukuveliswa kokutya okukhuthaza impilo kunye nendlela yokutya eyahlukahlukeneyo ehambelana neenkcubeko zethu ezahlukahlukeneyo kwaye ifuna ukuqinisekisa ubulungisa kwezentlalo nokusingqongileyo kumhlaba wonke.

I-Agroecology ikhuthaza ukusetyenziswa kweendlela zolimo eziqhelekileyo/ iindlela zokulima ezazisetyenziswa ngookhokho bethu neziye zanceda uluntu kangangamawaka eminyaka.  Ezi ndlela zahluke kakhulu kulo lonke ihlabathi kodwa zonke zizama ukusebenzisana nendalo kunye neendawo ezingqongileyo ngokusekelwe kwiinzululwazi efunyenwe ngolwazi lokwemvelo. Singathi zonke ezi ndlela zi-agroecological. Eli lilifa lethu sonke eliveliswe ngenxa yokuthethathethana kwamafama ahlukahlukeneyo.

Ngaphandle kweendlela zokulima eziqhelekileyo, i-agroecology ikwaquka iindlela eziphucukileyo ezintsha ezihambelana nolwazi lwenzululwazi yakutshanje, ukuba nje oko kuphumeza iinjongo neemfuno zamafama asakhasayo kunye nabantu abahluphekayo ngokubanzi.

Imigaqo gabalala yokulima nge-agroecology iquka: ukuphinda kusetyenziswe izinto ezibolayo; ukunyamekelwa komhlaba onemveliso; ukufumana kwakhona, ukuphindaphinda iimbewu zokwemvelo; ukwahluka kwezityalo nezilwanyano; ukudibanisa ulimo nokufuya impahla; ukwanda kokuba kutyiwe ukutya okuveliswe ekuhlaleni; ukunciphisa ukulahleka kwamanzi – zonke izinto ezinegalelo ekunciphiseni ukuba shushu komhlaba zize zikhuthaze ukongama kokutya.

Akukho ‘ndlela ziqingqiweyo’: I-Agroecology ayinazo ‘iindlela eziqingqiweyo’ zokwenza izinto — ilungela loo ndawo. Ngenxa yoko, uthethwano lwabalimi lungundoqo kwi-agroecology ukuze abalimi bafunde kwabanye baze bazame ‘ezona’ ndlela zisebenzayo.

Eminye imigaqo yopolitiko/ imilinganiselo ye-agroecologo: Ngoxa sivuma ukuxabiseka kweendlela zokulima eziqhelekileyo, ezidla ngokunikwa amagama awohlukahlukeneyo (ukulima kwesiqhelo, ukulima ngokwemvelo, ulimo oluzinzileyo, njl) kukho imigaqo nemilinganiselo yopolitiko esinokuthi ikhokela ize yahlule i-agroecology: iphulo lwenguquko kubunini bomhlaba; ukungavumi ukuba izinto zemvelo zibe nabanini abangamashishini abucala kodwa bonke abantu balawule (umhlaba, amanzi, imithombo, amachibi kunye nolwandle, ukuloba, amahlathi kunye nezimbiwa); ilungelo labalimi ukugcina//ukwandisa/ukutshintshiselana ngembewu zabo; ukuxhatshazwa kwabasebenzi; ukukhangela iindlela zokupucula impilo yabantu kunye nomgangatho wokuphila kubalimi abasakhasayo kunye nokuqinisekisa ukuba ngabavalisi abazimeleyo. I-Agroecology ikhuthaza le migaqo malunga nolimo lwasezidolphini.

Ukuhambelana ngokwembali kwe-agroecology kuthi, kwingingqi ye-SADC nase-Afrika: Ngokwembali, phantsi kobukoloniyali, amafama amaninzi angama-Afrika kunye nabantu abakwilizwekazi lonke bebohluthwa umhlaba baze banyanzeliswe ukuba balime izityalo ezithengiswayo endaweni yokulimela ukuzondla. Ngaphandle kokwenza izigidi zabantu zihlupheke, oku kuhluthwa komhlaba kwajongela phantsi kwaye kwezinye iindawo kwatshabalalisa ulimo lwama-Afrika. EMzantsi Afrika sisabona iziphumo zobukoloniyali kunye norhulumente wocalucalulo. Kwamanye amazwe akwiSADC, apho ukubuyiselwa okuthile komhlaba kwabakho emva kokuba loo mazwe afumana ukuzimela, oko kuyalahleka njengoko kuye kusanda ukoxuthwa komhlaba namanzi kule minyaka iyi-30-40 idlulileyo..

Njengombutho okhuthaza ukuzilungelelanisa kwamabhinqa nolwa ukuba kubekho utshintsho kubomi bamabhinqa emhlabeni wonke, iindlela zamabhinqa kwi-agroecology ziquka ukuzabalaza nxamnye nokubonakala koshishino: amadoda alawulayo, ucalucalulo, ubundlobongela, ucinezelo nokuxhatshazwa kwabantu abasebenzayo kunye nendalo. Abathetheli bamabhinqa anyanzelisa ngelithi siyadinga kwaye kufuneka sixhomekeke kwizinto zemvelo ukuze sikwazi ukuphila kwaye kufuneka sivume size sihlonele ukulinganiselwa kwawo ekulondolozeni indalo.

Abathetheli mabhinqa ayathandabuza kwaye ayayichasa indlela yoshishino yokubakho koqoqosho oluxabisa izinto ezenzelwa ezoshishino — ukutsho oko, ngokusekelwe kubasebenzi ababhatalwayo nokuthenga nokuthengisa iimpahla neenkonzo ukuze kwenziwe inzuzo kodwa kungavumi ukuxabiseka komsebenzi “ongabonwayo” owenziwa ngamabhinqa amaxesha amaninzi. Ngokomzekelo, umsebenzi owenziwa yonke imihla ngamabhinqa ahlala ezilalini – ukuvelisa nokulungiselela ukutya kwemizi yabo, ukunyamekela intsapho nokuqinisekisa ukuba isizukulwana esilandelayo sabalimi nabasebenzi awuye unconywe.

Ngoxa abalwela amabhinqa ebethelela imfuneko yengeniso yemali, abathethela amabhinqa kwi-agroecology bakhangela iindlela ezahlukileyo zokulungelelanisa ezoqoqosho ukuze kukwazi ukulungelelaniswa phakathi kokuthengisa nokuzondla nokukhuthaza ukusondelelana (apho abavelisi basondele kangangaoko kubathengi), indibaniselwano ebandakanya ize ixabise ukubuyekeza, ukuzilawula negqitha ngaphaya kokwahlulwa kwabasebenzi ngokwesini sabo. Sekunjalo, ukuze amabhinqa angene kumathuba oqoqosho amatsha, kufuneka akwazi ukufikelela kwiinkonzo zoluntu ezifanelekileyo ezifana nothutho, impilo kunye nemfundo.

Fighting Poverty Through Agriculture

Botshabelo Unemployed Movement (B.U.M) is an organisation of unemployed people within the Free State Province. B.U.M’s offices are in Section E at number 1230, in the building of Botshabelo Multifunctional Centre (B.M.C) in Botshabelo village.

Botshabelo Unemployed Movement runs many campaigns such as the anti-austerity campaign. The movement is also part of campaigns to fight poverty in the city of Botshabelo by actively participating in agriculture. Th Botshabelo Unemployed Movement has worked on agricultural issues for a long time but in 2022 it was given the opportunity to build an Agroecology Hub by the Trust for Community Outreach and Education (TCOE). The B.U.M Agroecology Hub has a team who oversees the hub’s day to day activities. The people working in the  B.U.M Hub are eight in number, five of them are mothers and three are fathers.

Sebata Lebohang Morata is one of the students at the Hub and a resident of Botshabelo. The 49-year-old Morata says that he appreciates the opportunity that TCOEA has given him to be  part of the Agroecology Hub (AE-Hub) in his village. He explained how the first step in the implementation process has awakened his love for agriculture. Morata adds that as they work with the land, there will be more job opportunities for unemployed youth. The B.U.M Hub has brought change to the life of Matshediso Moholo who is volunteer at the hub.   The 29 year old Moholo says that as a young woman, she will take the opportunity to work in hub to fight poverty that was worsened by the Covid pandemic. “Times have changed. It’s time for young women to stand up because we know that women are the pillars of the communities,” says Moholo.

Bobohang Molefe who is an expert at the B.U.M AE Hub said he would like to thank everyone who is working so hard at the hub. A variety of vegetables, fruits and herbs are available at the hub. Molefe says that through this project they have helped 58 families with seeds for their household gardens. Molefe says that through this work in agriculture, the movement will be able to achieve great things and provide training to the families that seeds were distributed to. “I would like to encourage women and young people to invest in agriculture because it is the backbone of our country,” Molefe added.

Botshabelo Agroecology Hub’s mission is to see local food systems back in the control of the people and to fight poverty. There is no time to sleep when you are a farmer! The hub has taught young people to be proud of their minds and work with their hands. This hub will fight for development within the city of Botshabelo and the province as a whole, and has assisted B.U.M  to grow further.

Re lwantsha bofuma ka temo

Botshabelo Unemployed Movement (B.U.M) ke mokgatlo wa batho ba sa sebetseng ka hare ho Porofense ya Foreisetata . B.U.M dikantoro tsa yona di karolong ya E nomorong ya 1230, moahong wa Botshabelo Multifunctional Center (B.M.C) motseng wa Botshabelo.

Botshabelo Unemployed Movement o na le matsholo a mangata a sebetsanang le ona jwaloka ka letsholo la ho ema kgahlanong le ho fokotswa hwa ditekanyetso (austerity), le dichelete.  Sethatong mokgatlo ona o kene letsholong la ho lwantsha bofuma ka hare ho motse wa Botshabelo ka ho nka karolo e kgolo tabeng tsa temo. Botshabelo Unemployed Movement e sebeditse ka taba tsa temo ka nako e telele empa selemong se fetileng sa 2022 eile ya fumantshwa monyetla wa hore e ahe Agro-Ecology Hub ke mokgatlo eo e seng wa mmuso wa Trust Community Outreach Education (TCOE) selemong 2022. B.U.M Agroecology Hub e na le botsamaise ba e hlokomelang letsatsi le letsatsi, batho ba sebetsang ka hare ho Hub ena ya B.U.M ba robedi(8) ka palo, ba bahlano ba bona ke bomme ha ba bararo ele bontate.

Sebata Lebohang Morata ke emong wa baithuti ka hare ho Hub, ke letswalla la Botshabelo. Morata ya dilemo tse 49 o bolela hore o ananela seo se entsweng ke mokatlo wa TCOE ka hoba fumantsha monyetla wa ho aha Agroecology Hub (AE-Hub) Ka hare ho motse wa bona, o hlalositse hoya pele ka lereng ho kenywa tshebetsong ha leano lena la Hub, ho tloha le sa le qalong, le  tsositse lerato leo anang le lona la temo. Morata o re jwaloka ha ba sebetsa ka mobu, menyatla ya mesebetsi etloba mongata bakeng sa batjha ba sa sebetseng. Hub ena ya B.U.M e tlisitse phetoho ho Motshidisi Moholo eo e leng moithaopi ka hare ho Hub. Moholo ya dilemo tse mashome a mabedi le metso e robong o bolela hore ena jwaloka mosadi ya motjha o tlo nka monyetla ona wa ho sebetsa ka hare ho Hub ho lwantshana le tlala e bakilweng ke sewa sa covid. “Dinako di fetohile ha jwale, ke nako yah ore basadi ba batjha ba emme ka maoto hoba Mosotho oile a bua are mosadi otshwara thipa ka bohaleng” ke mantswe a Moholo ao.

Lebohang Molefe e leng setsibi ho B.U.M AE Hub o re o rata ho leboha basebetsi ba sebetsang ka thata ho Hub ya bona. Re na le tse latelang ka hare ho Hub ya rona: meroho ya mefuta -futa , ditholwana le ditlhare tsa mefuta-futa. Molefe o re ho thakgoweng ha projeke ena ya Hub ka hare ho Botshabelo ba thusitse malapa a mashome a mahlano le metso e robedi(58) ka di peo. Molefe o re ka mosebetsi on awa temo obatla ho fihlella tse kgolo le ho fana ka dithupello ho malapa eo re a abetseng dipeo. Molefe o phetetse ka mantswe “ Ke rata ho kgothatsa basadi le batjha hore b akene ka sekgahla ho tsa temo hobane ke yone mokokotlo wana hana ya rona”

Botshabelo Agroecology Hub maikemisetso a yona ke ho bona taba ya taolo ya dijo e kgutlela bathong le ho lwantsha bofuma ka hare ho Botshabelo. Ha hona kgomo ya boroko ha o le sehwai.

Botshabelo Agroecology Hub e tlisitse dithuto ho batho ba batjha tabeng ya hore ba itjhorise dikelellong le ho sebetsa ka matsoho, Hub ena e tlo lwanela hore hobe le ntshetsopele ka hare ho motse wa Botsahabelo le porofenseng ka kakaretso, leano lena le entse hore mokgatlo wa B.U.M  o hole.

What is an employment contract?

An employment contract is an agreement between you and your employer that says you agree to work for them on certain conditions. It tells you who you will work for, what work you will do, how much you will be paid and your position as an employee. Signing an employment contract proves that you have been hired to work and what the terms/conditions of employment are.

It will amount to unfair labor practice if workers’ terms of service (for example working hours) are changed unilaterally. Any changes must be made through consultation and in consultation with workers.

An employment contract must contain the following information:

  • The employer’s name and farm address.
  • The employee’s name, ID number, profession or job description, workplace/s.
  • Appointment date.
  • Pay/scale.
  • Overtime scale.
  • Other contract payments (eg bonus).
  • Usual working hours and working days.
  • Food/accommodation payments (must be calculated according to Article 8 of the Sectoral Determination: 13).
  • Other payments or benefits (payments in kind).
  • Payment period and payment date.
  • Deductions.
  • Leave.
  • Notice period for termination of employment or date of termination.
  • Employer’s signature.
  • Employee’s signature.

An employment contract protects you if a dispute arises between you and your employer. It also helps the Department of Labor to investigate complaints. Make sure you read and understand it before you sign it and keep a copy of your contract.

Pay slips contain important information that you as the employee need to check your wages/salary, taxes and deductions. Shops and government departments also need the information on your pay slip, for example if you want to open a new account as an employee. Your pay slip must have the following information contains:

The employer’s full name;

  • Address
  • Employer’s registration number for the Unemployment Insurance Funds (UIF)
  • Contribution to the Unemployment Insurance Funds (UIF)
  • The employee’s full name.
  • Occupation or job description
  • Payment for time worked
  • Payscale
  • Worked normal hours
  • Worked overtime hours
  • Hours worked on a public holiday
  • Payment for any other work you have done
  • Deductions, including your contribution to the unemployment insurance funds (UIF)
  • Net compensation after deductions.

Deductions are money that your employer deducts from your salary/wage before you receive it. There are two reasons why your employer can deduct money from your pay, namely:

  • If required or permitted by law, for example unemployment insurance fund, arbitration, award, damages or salary garnishment order (deduction orders)
  • If you agree to it.


There are several types of leave namely:

Holiday leave
If you work for an employer for at least four months a year, you are entitled to one day of paid leave for every seventeen days worked. Holiday leave that accumulates must be paid out at the end of the season or when your contract ends (if you work longer than four worked for months).

Sick Leave
You can take one day of paid sick leave for every 26 days you work. Sick leave is not paid out at the end of the season/when your contract ends.

Maternity Leave
Mothers usually take four weeks maternity leave before the child’s birth. This can last between six weeks and four months depending on whether you are declared fit to return to work. During this period you can make an application and claim for unemployment insurance fund (UIF)- benefits to the department of labor. If you go back to work and your baby is on the farm, you may get two breaks of 30 minutes each to breastfeed. If your baby is not on the farm, you can get a break to pumping out breast milk and storing it for your baby. While you are pregnant and for six months afterwards, your employer may not ask you to do dangerous work that could endanger you or your baby’s health.

Family Responsibility Leave
This applies when an employee’s child’s child is ill and needs to be cared for or if one of the following persons dies: the employee’s spouse or life partner, parent, adoptive parent, grandparent, child, adopted child, grandchild or brother/sister. in all cases it is the worker’s duty to notify the employer in writing of his/her intention to take parenting/adoption/surrogate leave.

Parental Leave (unpaid leave)
A carer who is a parent is entitled to ten consecutive days of parental leave commencing on the date on which:

  • The worker’s child is born or
  • An adoption order is granted by the court or
  • A child is placed in the care of the prospective adoptive parents by a court pending an application.

Adoption Leave (unpaid leave)
In the case where the worker legally adopts a child and where the child is under two years of age, the worker will be entitled to ten consecutive weeks of adoption leave or ten consecutive days of parental leave. This leave begins on the date on which the adoption order is granted or on the date upon which the child or children are placed in the prospective adoptive parent’s care pending an application.

Surrogacy leave (unpaid leave)
A prospective parent in a surrogacy agreement will be entitled to 10 consecutive weeks of adoption leave or 10 consecutive days of parental leave. This leave begins on the date the child is born as per the surrogacy agreement.

Termination of Service
Termination of employment means that you or your employer have decided to terminate your employment. There is a notice period that you must work after you have given/received notice before you leave employment. If you are entitled to a termination of employment wage it is worked out as one week’s pay for every full year you have worked for that employer. If you have lost your job and contributed to the unemployment insurance fund (UIF), you can apply to the department of labor to receive money while you are unemployed.

To contact the Rural Legal Centre, please visit 25 Le Roux Street, Robertson, Western Cape.

Ken Jou Regte as dit kom by Indiensneming

In meeste gevalle word werkers sonder ‘n kontrak diens vergoed en werkgewers kom dus nie die wet na nie. Die werknemers word geensins die minimum loon betaal nie en ontvang ook nie ‘n betaal strokie nie.Die werkgewer betaal ook nie die werkloosheidversekereidsfonds (UIF) van werknemers nie en dus ‘n kriminele oorteding wat gevolge kan hê wat lei tot tronkstraf. Die mees gebruikte indiensneming is egter die wat aandui enige aktiwiteit waar iemand gehuur word om ‘n reeks spesifieke take uit te voer, waarvoor die werknemer finansiële vergoeding ontvang.

Wat is ‘n dienskontrak?

‘n Dienskontrak is ‘n ooreenkoms tussen jou en jou werkgewer wat sê dat jy instem om op sekere voorwaardes vir hulle te werk.Dit sê vir jou vir wie jy gaan werk,watter werk jy gaan doen,teen hoeveel betaling en jou posisie as werknemer.Die ondertekening van ‘n dienskontak bewys dat jy aangestel is om te werk en wat die bepalings/voorwaardes vir diens is.

Dit sal op onbillike arbeidspraktyk neerkom as werkers se diensvoorwaardes (byvoorbeeld werksure) ensydig verander word.Enige veranderinge moet deur konsultasie en in oorleg met werkers geskied.

‘n Dienskontrak moet die volgende inligting bevat:

  • Die werkgewer se naam en plaas se adres.
  • Die werknemer se naam,ID-nommer,beroep of werksbeskrywing,werkplek/ke.
  • Loon/skaal.
  • Ander kontrakbetalings (bv bonus).
  • Gewone werksure en werksdae.
  • Kos/-verblyfbetalings (moet volgens artikel 8 van die sektorale vastelling: 13 bereken word).
  • Ander betalings of voordele (betalings in goedere).
  • Betaaltydperk en betaaldatum.
  • Kennistydperk vir diensbeëindiging of datum van indiging.
  • Werkgewer se handtekening.
  • Werknemer se handtekening.

‘n Dienskontrak beskerm jou as daar ‘n geskil tussen jou en jou werkgewer onstaan.Dit help ook die Departement van arbeid om klagtes te ondersoek.Maak seker dat jy dit lees en verstaan voordat jy dit onderteken en hou ‘n afskrif van jou kontrak.

Betaalstrokies bevat belangrike inligting wat jy as die werknemer om jou loon/salaris ,belasting en aftrekkings na te gaan.Winkels en staatsdepartemente het ook die inligting nodig op jou betaalstrokie byvoorbeeld as jy as werknemer ‘n nuwe rekening wil oopmaak.Jou betaalstrokie moet die volgende inligting bevat:

  • Die werkgewer se volle naam.
  • Adres
  • Werkgewer se registrasienommer vir die werkloosheidversekerheidsfondse (UIF)
  • Bydrae tot die werkloosheidversekerheidsfondse (UIF)
  • Die werknemer se volle naam.
  • Beroep of werksbeskrywing
  • Betaling vir tyd gewerk
  • Loon/skaal
  • Gewone ure gewerk
  • Oortydure gewerk
  • Ure gewerk op ‘n openbare vakansedag
  • Betaling vir enige ander werk wat jy gedoen het
  • Aftrekkings,insluitend jou bydrae tot die werkloosheidversekerheidsfondse (UIF)
  • Netto vergoeding na aftrekkings.


Aftrekkings is bedrea geld wat jou werkgewer van jou salaris/loon aftrek voordat jy dit ontvang.Daar is 2 redes waarom jou werkgewer geld van jou betaling kan aftrek naamlik:

  • As dit volgens die wet vereis of toegelaat word byvoorbeeld werkloosheidversekerheidsfonds,abitrasie,toekenning,skade of salarisbeslagleggingsbevel (aftrekkingsorders)
  • Indien jy daartoe instem


Daar is verskeie soorte verlof naamlik:


Indien jy minstens 4 maande per jaar by ‘n werkgewer werk is jy geregtig op 1 dag betaalde verlof vir elke 17 dae gewerk.Vakansieverlof wat ophoop moet aan die einde van die seisoen of waneer jou kontrak eindig,uitbetaal word (indien jy langer as 4 maande gewerk het).


Jy kan 1 dag betaalde siekteverlof neem vir elke 26 dae wat jy werk.Siekteverlof word nie aan die einde van die seisoen/waneer jou kontrak eindig,uitbetaal nie.


Ma’s neem gewoonlik 4 weke kraamverlof voor die kind se geboorte.Dit kan tussen 6 weke en 4 maande duur afhangende of jy geskik verklaar word om terug te keer werk toe.Gedurende hierdie tydperk kan jy ‘n aansoek en eis vir werkloosheidversekerheidsfonds (UIF)-voordele by die departement van arbeid indien.As jy terug gaan werk toe en jou baba is op die plaas mag jy 2 ruskanse van 30 minute elk kry om te borsvoed.As jou baba nie op die plaas is nie kan jy ‘n ruskans kry om borsmelk uit te pomp en dit vir jou baba te bêre.Terwyl jy swanger is en vir 6 maande daarna mag jou werkgewer jou nie vra om gevaarlike werk te doen wat jou of jou baba se gesondheid in gevaar kan stel nie.

Dit geld waneer ‘n werknemer se kind se kind siek is en versorg moet word of indien een van die volgende persone sterf:die werknemer se eggenote of lewensmaat,ouer,aanneemouer,grootouer,kind,aangenome kind,kleinkind of broer/suster.In alle gevalle is dit die werker se plig om die werkgewer skriftelik in kennis te stel van sy/haar voorneme om ouerskap/aanneming/surrogaatverlof te neem.

Ouerskapverlof (Onbetaalde Verlof)

‘n Weker wat ‘n ouer is,is geregtig op tien opeenvolgende dae ouerskapverlof wat begin op die datum waarop:

-Die werker se kind gebore word of;

-‘n Aannemingsbevel deur die hof toegestaan word of;

-‘n Kind deur ‘n hof in die sorg van die voornemende aanneemouers geplaas word hagende ‘n aansoek.

Aannemingsverlof (Onbetaalde Verlof)

In die geval waar die werker ‘n kind wetlik aanneem en waar die kind jonger as 2 jaar is sal die werker geregtig wees op tien opeenvolgende weke aannemingsverofof tien opeenvolgende dae ouerskapverlof.Hierdie verlof begin op die datum waarop die aannemingsbevel toegestaan word of op die datum waarop die kind/ers in die voornemde aanneemouer se sorg geplaas word hagende ‘n aansoek.

Surrogaatskapverlof (Onbetaalde Verlof)

‘n Voornemende ouer in ‘n surrogaatmoederskap ooreenkoms sal geregtig wees op 10 opeenvolgende weke aannemingsverlof of 10 opeenvolgende dae ouerskapverlof.Hierdie verlof begin op die datum waarop die kind gebore word soos per die surrogaatmoederskap ooreenkoms.


Diensbeindiging beteken dat jy of jou werkgewer besluit het om jou diens te beëindig.Daar is ‘n kennistydperk wat jy moet werk nadat jy kennis gegee het/gekry het voordat jy die diens verlaat.As jy geregtig is op ‘n diensbeëindigingsloon word dit uitgewerk as een week se betaling vir elke volle jaar wat jy by daardie werkgewer gewerk het.As jy jou werk verloor het en bygedra het tot die werkloosheidversekeringsfonds (UIF) kan jy by die departement an arbeid aansoek doen om geld te ontvang terwyl jy werkloos is.

Om die Rural Legal Centre te kontak, besoek asseblief Le Rouxstraat 25, Robertson, Wes-Kaap.

Know your rights when it comes to Employment

In most cases, workers are compensated without a service contract and employers therefore do not comply with the law. The employees are in no way paid the minimum wage nor do they receive a pay slip. The employer also does not pay the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) of employees and therefore a criminal offense which may have consequences leading to imprisonment. However, the most commonly used employment is that which indicates any activity where someone is hired to perform a series of specific tasks, for which the employee receives financial compensation.

Austerity (Ho kgaolwa ha ditekanyetso) KE ENG

Melawana ya ikonomi ya Aforika Borwa e molemo ho sebeletsa batho ba mmalwa ebile e behella ka thoko bongata ba batho ba sa sebetseng le ba futsanehileng. Re tlo shebana le leano lena le mmuso wa Aforika Borwa o lekenyang tshebetsong ho tsamaisa moruo wa naha e leng “austerity” (ho kgaolwa ha ditekanyetso)

Ha re hlalosa leano lena la austerity re ka re ke maemo a thata a moruo a entsweng ke mehato ya mmuso ho fokotsa ditshenyehelo tsa setjhaba, ho kgaolwa ha ditekanyetso mafapheng a mantlha le ho eketsa lekgetho. Aforika Borwa e tobane le dikoduwa tse ngatanyana tse kareng, tlhokeho ya mosebetsi, mathata a motlakase, ho selekalekane le thlekefetso ya bong ka malapeng. Austety e tlo mpefatsa maemo ana a dikoduwa le ho feta hobane sethatong re bone ha ditheko tsa dijo le mafura a dikoloi di nyoloha kgwedi le kgwedi.
Leano lena la mmuso la ho kgaolwa ha ditekanyetso le tlo ba le kgahlemelo empe ho dihwai le balemi ba ntse ba thutuha ka hare ho metsesetoropong le mahaeng, sena se tla bonahala hape le metseng eo batho ba kojwanana di mahetleng ba phelang ho yona. Boholo ba batho maphelo a bona a itshetlehile ho ditshebeletso tsa setjhaba tse tliswang ke mmuso ka hoo leano lena le reretswe ho fokotsa ditekanyetso mafapheng a tshwang le a temo, bophelo bo botle, thuto, ntshetsopele ya setjhaba le tsamaisong ya bommasepalata.

Kgahlamelo enngwe hape empe ya leano lena ke ho fokotswa ha batho mesebetsing le ho se eketse meputso ya basebeletsi ba mmuso.
Ho pepeneneng hore mokgatlo o eteletseng mmuso pele o lesisitheho ho fetola maano a tsamaiso ya bokoloniale, sena re se bona ka tsela e oba sabatleng ho kenya maano a bona ha ba tswa dibokeng tsa maano a ikonomi. Sebata Morata eo eleng setho sa mokgatlo wa batho ba sa sebetseng wa B.U.M o boletese ka le reng ho hlokkahala dithuto di fihlelle setjhaba ka kakaretso. “Re kopa mmuso wa rona o tlohelle ho ba ka tlase ho kgatello ya dinaha tse ding tsa lefatshe le ho kadima dichelete mebarakeng ya lefatshe, ba bule menyatla ya mesebetasi bakeng sa batho ba batjha le basadi.” Ho rialo Morata. Batho ba utlwang lebatama lena la leano la austerity ke basebetsi, basebtsi ba sa sebetseng, batjha ha mmoho le basadi.
Ho bonahala mmuso o sebedisa leano lena la “austerity” e le ho kheloswa ho maikarabelo a ona a molaotheo ho kenya leano la ‘Basic Income Grant’ tshebetsong.

Batho ba sa sebetseng ka hare ho motse wa Botshabelo le porofense ya Foreiisetata ba re ke nako jwale ya hore letona la dichelete Enoch Godongwane a kenye tshebetsong leano la Basic Income Grant tshebetsong ho batho bohle ba pakeng tsa 18 ho fihla 59. Letsholo la “Stop Budget Cuts” le ntse le tswelapele. Baahi bohle ba kgothalletswa ho tshehetsa matsholo ana a ho lwantsha bofuma ka hare ho naha ya Aforika Borwa.

What is Austerity?

Austerity is South African policies that only benefits few residents and exclude the majority of residents who are unemployed and living in poor conditions. In this article we are going to focus on this policy that South African government has implemented called Austerity. (Economic Policy aimed at reducing the government’s spending)
To explain further, we can say austerity is the difficult economy conditions whereby the government reduces the public spending and it’s services on important departments while they also increase the tax. Recently South Africa is facing problems like, high unemployment rate, shortage in electricity, inequality and gender based violence. Austerity is going to worsen these problems as we have also witnessed the increase on oils and fuels every month.

Furthermore, austerity is going to affect emerging farmers in our townships and rural areas. It will also affect poor families because most people in our communities depend on the government services. Sadly, this policy is going to reduce services in the department of agriculture, health, education, Social Development and in our Municipalities. This policy is going to have huge influence in people being retrenched from their jobs and the government employees will not get the increase on their salaries.

It is clear that the ruling party is hesitant to change the past colonial policies and this can be seen by the economy action plans of the ruling party. Mr Sabata Morata a member of Botshabelo Unemployed Movement mentioned that it is important that the public at large is educated and informed. “We are pleading with our government to stop loaning money from the world market. They should instead provide youth and women with employment opportunities,” says Morata. People who are going to be badly affected by austerity are workers, the unemployed, the youth and women.

It is clear that with austerity the government is avoiding their constitutional responsibility to the unemployed to implement Basic Income Grant. The unemployed people of Botshabelo in the Free State Province believe that it is time that the Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwane implements the Basic Income Grant for every citizen between the ages of 18 – 59 years old.
“Stop Budget Cuts” Campaign is still up and running , every citizen is encouraged to support this campaign to fight poverty in South Africa.