Ubume nokuguquka kwemo yezulu

Lonto ayiseyongxaki kuba abahlali abahlelelekileyo nabalimi abasakhulayo ingabona abachaphazelwa lolutshintsho lwemo yezulu, kwaye yenza bona babenengeniso encinci.  Le meko yemo yezulu iquka imbalela, nogumbe, ukuphuma kwezinambuzane ezincinci kunye nezifo, ukukhankanya ezimbalwa.

Ekuqaleni kukaMay, ezinye iindawo eMpuma Koloni zahlaselwa luninzi lwenkumbi ezimdaka.  Iindawo ezachaphazelekayo ziquka Xhora (Alice), Burnshill, Fort Cox, Mathole kwakunye nenxenye kaMasipala iSunday River Valley.  Ezi nkumbi zinobungozi ziyaphazamisa kwaye zitshabalalisa izivuno, iintsimi kunye namadlelo.  Ukuba zither zangena entsimini, azishiyi kwanto umlimi kufuneka aqale ekuqaleni ukulima.  Ezi nkumbi zenza oku ngentseni, kwaye isininzi sazo singasigqiba isivuno kangangemizuzu engamashumi amathathu kangangendlela ezi nkumbi ezinobungozi ngayo.

Akululanga ukuzikhusela ngoba ziza zininzi kwaye akubikho nesilumnkiso xa zizovela, kodwa zikhona indlea ezinokwenziwa ukunqanda lelahleko.

Kungasetyenziswa lemigaqo ilandelayo ukulawula nokunqanda lentlekele:

  • Setyenziswe izikhuseli zelanga ukugquma amasimi.
  • Setyenziswe itonele yeplastiki.
  • Kutsitswe: amayeza angasetyenziswa kancinci,lamayeza ayasebenziseka endalweni, kwaye atsala lula iinkumbi kwindawo encamathelayo kwaye neenkumbi zincamathele eludongeni oluncamatheleyo.
  • Ukusasazwa kwengqokelela yokutya okuyityhefu okusetyenziswa ukugzotha iinkumbi elifumileyo ligalelwe ngesandla kangangomlinganiselo omnye entsimini lonto yenzeke ngonyezi, kubonise ukuba yeyona ndlela efanelekileyo.
  • Ucoceko lwamasimi: ukugcina izityalo zicocekile, uquka imida kuluncedo ngelinye ixesha ukulawula ukukhasa kweenkumbi.
  • Ukutsitswa keendawo: leyo ingenziwa liSebe elijongene nophuhliso emaphandleni (Department of Rural Development).

Abalimi bayacetyiswa ukuba bamangalele ukubakho kweenkumbi ezindaweni zabo, bamangale kwigosa elisebenza ngazo ukuze bafumane uncedo olukhawulezileyo.

Kunokubetha bethana ngolwazi lokutsitsa iinkumbi ingakumbi eMiddledrift.  Amanye amalungu asekuhlaleni oyikisela iziphumo zolutsitso neempilo zabo kunye nempilo yendalo.

Kwabanye, ukutsitswa kwezinkumbi lelonacebo lilungileyo okwangoku, kude kubekho icebo elisempilweni lokulawula ezi nkumbi elivelayo.


Jwaloka ha dipalopalo tsa batho ba sa sebetseng tsa kotare ya pele ya selemo sa 2022, ho bonahala hona le phethoho e nyane ho fokotseheng ha dipalolpalo ha di bapiswa le tsa selemo se fetileng nakong ena. Ekaba taba ena e bolelang ho batho ba batjha ba sa sebetseng le bao bantseng ba batla mosebetsi?

Re kpopana le motho ya motjha monghadi Khaodi Steven Koloane ya tsebahalang ka lebitso la “Mazelo” motseng eo a dulang ho ona wa Thaba Nchu. Mohlankana enwa ke letswalla la mane Mokwena, toropong Thaba Nchu lehae la mehleng la Bophuthatswana wa maloba. Thaba Nchu e ka tlasa tsamaiso ya Marena le mmasepaleta wa Mangaung.

Koloane o qadile hokena sekolo sa poraemari Ereskuld mme a phetela lengolo la hae la materiki sekolong se Phahmeng sa Christian Liphoko. Jwaloka mocha emong le emong Koloane ha qeta sekolo one ashebille ntho e lenngwe fela ya ho bona batswadi ba hae le bana babo ba tswile bofumeng. O ile a sebetsa selageng se seholo toropong ya Thaba Nchu eleng Sky Country.
Ka selemo sa 2019 ke moo Koloane a ileng a fellwa ke mosebetsi, o lekile ho batla mesebetsi emeng ka tshepo ya ho fetola bophelo ba lelapa la hae. Mesebetsi a ethotseng nakong eo o ila bona hore eka se mo phedisi ena le mosadi wa hae le bana ba hae ba bararo. Ke moo a ileng anka qeto ya hore o tshwanetse ho sebetsa ka matsoho a hae, ke ka sona selemo sena sa mahlomola a ileng a qala ho sebetsa ka mobu. “Hake sheba morao moo ke tswang teng hoja ka tseba hore mobu/ lefatshe lena le bophelo nkabe ke qadile kgale” ke mantswe a Koloane ao. O hlalositse hape hore dijalo tse adi hlahisang tshimong ya hae di kgona hore a kenye bana sekolo ebile le mofumahadi wa hae o mothusa ka tsa kgwebo ha ena a sebetsa ka mobu.

Leeto lena la Koloane lene le se bobebe ka hoba o re o kopane le diphepetso tse ngata mosebetsing ona, o re phepetso e ka sehlohong ke tlhokeho ya lefatshe le ho hahelwa ke metsi. Koloane o ipeleditse ho batho ba batjha hore ba seke ba tshoswa ke dipalopalo tse tswileng empa ebe thotloetso ho bona, ba seke ba tshaba ho ba ditshila ba sebedise lefatshe leo ba nang le lona ho fetola maphelo a bona. O qetetse ka ho etsa kgweletso mmusong hore bona jwaloka balemerui ba banyane ba fumantshwe lefatshe. “Mohoma mobung motho ya motjha”

Workers talk about Workers Day

On Workers Day 1 May 2022, farm workers of the surrounding farms and areas where CSAAWU is operating, namely De Doorns, Rawsonville, Worcester, and Robertson, came together to talk about their challenges.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the farm workers’ revolt, when workers protested in 2012 against low wages as well as poor living and working conditions. Today nothing has changed at all, because most of the conditions remain the same and farmworkers are still being evicted from farms.

One of the stories shared is that of Aaron and eight other workers who are facing eviction, because they joined the farm workers union, CSAAWU. Aaron addressed the crowd where he explained their situation and that workers should stand together as one.

In another case, the farm worker Valencia explained what had happened with the farm worker, Bertie, who had died in a tractor accident due to the owner’s negligence. This worker left behind a family of three children, the youngest being one year old. The farm owner described Bertie as one of his most loyal workers, yet the way the family was treated left much to be desired. Valencia asked out loud, ‘is this what the boere think of us?’

A young worker, Jakobus, said he was retrenched because he spoke out about the working conditions. Jakobus also mentioned that he did not want to end up like his parents, who worked until they were very old, with nothing to leave behind.

Mawubuye Land Rights Movement and CSAAWU also launched a campaign against xenophobia as a result of the recent violent clashes between Zimbabwean and Lesotho farm workers. CSAAWU asked their members to respect the rights of other workers, as all workers were suffering during these hard times and are being oppressed by commercial farmers and big companies which trample on workers’ rights. Undocumented workers are used as cheap labour for the sake of profit. We must address this problem and not fight among one another.

Deneco Dube, revolutionary activist from CSAAWU, referred to the racist white farmers as the oppressors and that workers still work as slaves and were being treated as such. ‘Our grandparents worked hard from sunrise until sunset with no time for themselves.’

‘That time that you worked, there was little money and you were rushed on to do the work. At times you were even beaten to death if you said something wrong. Before starting work in the morning, you were first given wine to make you drunk. The farmers often paid our people this way too. Our cry is for workers to stand up, stand together and fight together, to build workers’ organisations such as CSAAWU, Mawubuye and Inyanda” added Deneco.

Werkers praat saam op Werkersdag

Op 1 Mei 2022 Werkersdag, het plaaswerkers van omliggende plase en areas waar CSAAWU werk, naamlik De Doorns, Rawsonville, Wolseley, Worcester en Robertson, saamgetrek om te praat oor hul omstandighede.

Hierdie jaar is dit die 10 jaar herdenking van die plaaswerkers se opstand in die Wes-Kaap wat in 2012 plaasgevind het, waartydens werkers opgestaan het teen lae lone asook swak werks- en lewens omstandighede. Vandag het dinge geensins verder verander nie want meestal van die faktore is nog onveranderd en word plaaswerkers nog altyd onwettig van plase afgesit.

Die storie van Aaron en agt ander werkers staar uitsettings in die gesig omdat hulle by die plaaswerker unie CWAASU aangesluit het. Aaron het op sy beurt die skare toegespreek, waar hy verduidelik het oor hul situasie en dat werkers eendragtig moet saamstaan.

In die ander geval, het plaaswerker Valencia haar beurt vertel wat met die plaaswerker gebeur het wat in ‘n trekkerongeluk gesterf het as gevolg van nalatigheid van die eienaar. Hierdie werker het ‘n gesin van drie kinders agtergelaat, waarvan die jongste een jaar oud is. Die eienaar het Bertie as een van sy getroue werkers beskryf, maar die manier hoe die gesin behandel is, het boekdele gespreek. Die woorde wat Valencia geuiter het is “dit is wat die boere van ons dink’ weerklink nog steeds in my geheue.

‘n Jeugdige werker is afgedank omdat hy gepraat het oor die werksomstandighede. Jakobus het genoem dat hy nie wil opeindig soos sy ouers wat hul oud gewerk het op die plase, sonder om iets agter te laat vir die nageslag nie.

Mawubuye Land Rights Movement en CSAAWU het ook ‘n bewusmaking veldtog geloods oor xenofobie. Die afgelope geskille tussen Zimbabwiese en Lesotho werkers, het weereens die kollig op xenofobie laat val. CSAAWU het hulle lede gevra om ander werkers se regte te respekteer, want alle werkers kry swaar en word verdruk deur die kommersiele boere en groot maatskappye, wat hulle vergryp aan die regte van werkers. Ongedokumenteerde werkers word gebruik vir goedkoop arbeid om wins te jag. Ons moet die probleem aanspreek en nie onder mekaar baklei nie.

Deneco Dube, rewolusionêre plaaswerker aktivis van CSAAWU, het verwys na die rassistiese wit plaasboere as die onderdrukkers en dat werkers nog steeds soos slawe werk en behandel word. ”Ons oumas en oupas het hard gewerk van sonsopkoms tot sonsondergang en het nie eens tyd gehad vir hulle self nie.”

“Daai tyd as jy gewerk het, was die geld baie min en jy word aangejaag om die werk te doen. By sommige kere word jy selfs geslaan tot die dood as jy nou iets gepraat het wat nie reg is nie. In die oggende, voor jy begin werk dan word daar eers vir jou wyn gegee om jou dronk te maak. So het die boere ons mense ook betaal partymaal. Ons roepkreet is dat werkers moet opstaan, saamstaan en saamveg en werkersorganisasies bou soos CSAAWU, Mawubuye en Inyanda.”

Farmers demand more support from government!

On 31 May 2022, farmers from various farmer associations marched to provincial departments of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) across the country to handover their Memorandum of Grievances. Farmer associations who joined the march included the Cannabis and Hemp Association, Forestry Development Association, Organic Farmers, Mohair Producers, the  Black Farmer Association and Bee Farmers.

While DALRRD’s mission is to ‘accelerate land reform, catalyse rural development and improve agricultural production’ protesters says the department is failing black farmers.  In their petition, the list of grievances relate to a lack of farmer of support and land reform.

The farmers grievances included:

  1. Non-existent land reform in South Africa
  2. Forever delayed farmer support
  3. Lack of infrastructure support
  4. Closing of regional offices without consultation of farmers
  5. Inflated prices for poor service due to PFMA and tendering system
  6. Demand for a working Farmer Production Support Unit (FSPU) with at least three mechanisation centres in every Municipality
  7. We need clear deadlines for implementation of support programmes
  8. Frequent changes of MEC of Agriculture and Rural Development disrupts farmer support programmes
  9. Market Access
  10. Farm security and the problem of stock theft
  11. Agricultural Disaster Management
  12. EIA and Water Rights

In the Bhisho in the Eastern Cape, farmers handed over their petition to the MEC for Rural Development and Agrarian Reform, Nonkqubela Pieters. The march was organised by a young activist Luyanda Shushu who is a farmer and a leader of the National Plas Farmers Association (NPFA). Inyanda Community News interviewed Luyanda to find out more.

Question: Why did you see the need to initiate and organize Eastern Cape Farmers March?

Mr. Shushu:  As a farmer myself, I know and understand the frustration of the farmers.  I concluded that there is a need to organise a march for the farmers because we have common challenges. We found that we have common motive and common idea to rectify these issues before it’s too late.
Question: Do you believe that the MEC will be able to assist the farmers with the challenges listed in the memorandum of demands submitted?

Mr. Shushu: We have identified that the MEC can assist us as farmers because she’s in the centre of all the departments that farmers have challenges with, including the Department of Land and Agrarian Reform who could assist the farmers to get their farmers’ title deeds.

When farmers apply for grant finding they want title deeds or lease agreements which is difficult for farmers to produce because they don’t have and they have been applying with no luck or response and assistance from the department.

Farmers find it very difficult to apply for secure lending because of the compliance challenges.

Also farmers need assistance with applying for state land that is available for them to utilize.

Question: Are there any other challenges that you feel farmers need assistance from the DRDARR?

Mr. Shushu: Yes, I feel like farmers lack information from the Department because the officials don’t meet the farmers halfway when it comes to completing the grant forms or following proper procedures. Sometimes they don’t give farmers seedlings or even pay a visit to their farms.

That is why it is important for us as farmers and leaders to meet with the MEC and officials from the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development as well as the Department of Water and Sanitation in one room in order to address our challenges.

Water is another challenge for our farmers. We trust that this time the MEC and the Department of Water and Sanitation will come to the party and attend to the farmers challenges.

Question: Did the MEC agreed to meet with farmers leaders?

Mr. Shushu:  Yes, the MEC agreed to engage with us. The MEÇ signed and accepted our memorandum and we are hoping to receive the feedback within seven working days.

Editor’s Note: At the time of going to print, MEC Nonkqubela Pieters had not responded to the farmers’ Memorandum of Grievances.


Ngomhla wamashumi amathathu ananye kuMeyi kulonyaka umiyo abalimi bemibutho kwifama ezahlukileyo babambha umngcelele ukuya kwiSebe leZolimo (DALRRD) ePhondweni, kumhlaba wonke ukuyodlulisa imbalelwano yezikhalazo.  Imibutho yabalimi ababekulondibano kuquka Cannabis, Hemp Association, Forestry Development Association, Organic Farmers, Mohair Producers, Black Farmer Association kunye neBee Farmers.

Injongo yeSebe (DALRRD) ibikuku jonga imihlaba, ukuohucula imveliso kwezolimo, abantu ababambe umgcelele bathi iSebe alibaboneli ntweni abalimi abamnyama.  Kwimbalelwano yabo, ululhu lwezikhalazo lungenkxaso engekhoyo kwezolimo nakwezemihlaba.


  1. Ukungabikho komhlaba eMzantsi Afrika
  2. Ukulibaziseka kwenkxaso kubalimi.
  3. Ukungabikho kwenkxaso ngokwesibonelelo.
  4. Ukuvalwa kwaMaziko ngaphandle kokwaziswa kwabalimi.
  5. Ukunyuka kwamaxabiso kwenkonzo zabasweleyo lenxa yomgaqo kaRhulumente wezimali (PFMA).
  6. Funa inkxaso yemveliso yabalimi kubekho amaSebe amathathu kuMasipala ngamnye.
  7. Sifuna usuku olucacileyo lokwenza lenkxaso yenkqubo.
  8. Inguquko eyenzeka rhoqo kweliSebe lezoLimo liphazamisa lenkqubo yokuxhasa abalimi.
  9. Imvume yokuthengisa.
  10. Ukhuseleko lwasefama kunye nengxaki yokubiwa kwemfuyo.
  11. Intlekele lulawulo lweZolimo.
  12. EIA nelungelo lamanzi.

EMpuma Koloni eBisho, abalimi bagqithise izikhalazo zabo kuMphathiswa weSebe noPhuhliso uNonkqubela Pieters.  Lo mngcelele wawuququzelelwa ligatyana uLuyanda Shushu onguMlimi ekwanguye neNkokheli yombuthoi (NPFA).  Iphepha ndaba i-Inyanda ibambe udliwano-ndlebe noLuyanda ukufumana ingxelo ephangaleleyo.

Umbuzo:  Kuyintoni imfuno eyenza ukuba wenze, uququzelele lomngcelele wamafama aseMpuma-Koloni?

Mnu Shushu: NjengaMlimi mna, ndiyalwazi kwaye ndiyaluqonda ucinezelelo lwabalimi.  Ndagqiba ekubeni kubekho imfuno yokuququzelela lomngcelele wabalimi ngoba sinemiceli mngeni efanayo.  Sifumanise ukuba sineemfuno neembono ezifanayo zokuba silungise ezingxaki phambi kokuba kube kude. 

UMBUZO: Ucinga ukuba eliSebe lingakwazi ukunceda abalimi ngengxaki ezikoluluhlu zilungenisileyo?

MNU SHUSHU: Sicinga ukuba uMphathiswa angasinceda njengabalimi ngoba enguye ophakathi kumaSebe onke apho abalimi banengxaki ukuquka iSebe lezemihlaba noLimo elinokunceda abalimi ukufumana iimpepha zobunini.

Xa abalimi besenza isicelo sesibonelelo kuye kufunwe isiqinisekiso okanye amaphepha obunini bomhlaba, abalimi baye bafumane ubunzima ukwenza isicelo kuba bengenawo amaphepha okanye isiqiniseko bebengafumani uncedo kwiSebe.

Abalimi bafumanisa kunzima kakhulu ukwenza isicelo semali ngenxa yenkxaki zomgaqo.  Kwaye abalimi bafuna uncedo benze isicelo somhlaba kaRhulumente ekhoy ukuze bancedakale.

UMBUZO: Ingaba zikhona ezinye iingxaki onqwenela abalimi bangancedwa yi DRDARR?

MNU SHUSHU: Ewe, abalimi abalufumani ulwazi olusuka kwiSebe ngoba abasebenzi beSebe abakhawulelani nabalimi xa kufuneke benze isicelo sesibonelelo, nokugcwalisa amaphepha okanye kulandelwe inkqubo elungileyo.  Ngamanye amaxesha ababaniki abalimi ingcambu okanye bazinike ixesha batyelele ezindaweni zabalimi.  Yilonto kubalulekile kuthi balimi kunye neNkokheli sidibane noMphathiswa kunye nabasebenzi beSebe leZolimo lophuhliso lwemihlaba, kwakunye neSebe laManzi nenkonzo sidibanele kwigumbi elinye ukuze sichaze iingxaki Zethu.

Amanzi yenye ingxaki esijongene nayo.  Siyathemba ukuba uMphathiswa kunye neSebe bazakubakhona kulendibano kuzokuqwalaselwa iingxaki zabalimi.

UMBUZO: Uvumile uMphathiswa ukudibana neeNkokheli zabalimi?

MNU SHUSHU: Ewe, uMphathiswa uvumile ukuthetha nathi.  Wayityikitya wayamnkela nembalelwano yethu kwaye sinethemba lokufumana impendulo ngentsuku ezisixhenxe ezizayo.

Ushicilelo lephephandaba: Ngexesha lokwenza amaphepha, Mphathiswa akakhange aphawule kwimbhalelwano yezikhalazo zabalimi.