Botshabelo Unemployed Movement Hub

The BUM hub is located in central Botshabelo. It is on a well-secured 0.5 ha piece of land leased from a municipal complex with access to water. The land has been cropped with diverse vegetables. There is however a challenge with the irrigation system – currently the team is using watering cans and an old hose pipe. The practitioner has initiated a very interesting undertaking, moving around with his team looking for homesteads with no gardens. Once they enter into an arrangement with the landowner – the team uses the land while the owner will have access to fresh produce once a week once it is ready.

Free State Rural Women’s Assembly Hub

This hub is situated in the western part of Botshabelo. The hub serves multiple purposes: production of fresh food for the nearby community and as a training and learning site. The site also serves as a mobilising tool for the movement and will be used for advocating for land of their own, as this one is on a leasehold. This hub has given rise to more than 50 household gardens, as those trained in the hub are required to practise what they have learnt. Given the distance from the community some form of transport is needed, as there is a problem if the member who owns a car is absent and it is very risky for women to walk alone through the bushes. The FDRWA was thus given a bakkie by TCOE.