The Centre is run by a young man who is a qualified agroecologist. Income generating vegetable crops such as spinach, onions, okra, mustard and cabbages are grown and sold in an effort to make the Centre self-sustainable. The produce is sold to the surrounding communities at reasonable prices.

The Centre works with more than 60 homestead gardens in the surrounding villages including the Daniel and Ndhambi villages. The team also identified child-headed households and provide support in the form of vegetables twice a week.

In 2022, the Centre hosted 10 youths (with an additional 70 others, whom we placed on other cooperatives for the same capacity building purposes) who received theory lessons from Gumela Projects and practical exposure from the Centre. Part of what they learned was how to select crops earmarked for seeds selection, mulching and the rationale for this practice, water conserving irrigation system and irrigation programs, pests and diseases scouting and the importance of crop rotation to mention just a few. The group has graduated from the program and received certificates of competence. These youth continue to volunteer their time to assist the production team at the Centre which is an indication of the impact we made in developing the love for land and land use amongst youth.

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