The Trust for Community Outreach and Education (TCOE), is a national collective of six NGOs and was established in 1983.
About Us
TCOE envisages a society where the rural poor, both men and women, have access and rights to land, marine and other natural resources for food security and the creation of sustainable livelihoods – a society that is responsive to the needs of the poor and that recognises and values the potential of all its citizens.
TCOE commits itself to building a mass based national formation of poor rural peoples organisations with strong, democratic and accountable leadership that is able to organise, mobilise and co-ordinate the struggles of all sectors of the rural and coastal poor, including women, small scale farmers, commodity groups, fishers, farmer workers and youth, for control and ownership of natural resources.
Such a formation will actively forge links with urban and rural organisations and institutions at local, national, regional and international levels that advocate for basic services, economic rights, social and environmental justice and an end to poverty.
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